Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Desiccants in Chemistry

Desiccants in ChemistryDesiccants in chemistry are materials that are primarily used to keep the materials they are applied to dry. If these were used improperly, you might find that the materials would not remain dry.Desiccants are basically microscopic particles that are very similar to salt and are usually made up of boron and calcium. The reason why they are chosen is that they do not absorb moisture. When you apply a desiccant to an object, it will hold onto the moisture in the object until it is completely dry.One of the best desiccants are sodium thiosulfate and potassium thiosulfate. They are both very powerful and can stop the formation of water. Because they don't absorb moisture, these desiccants do not contribute to dampness and do not create any mold or mildew.Of course there are other products that are also helpful. Humic acid and calcium hydroxide are both common desiccants. These materials hold onto the moisture and remain suspended in the surrounding air for a long t ime.These types of chemicals can also be helpful in both organic and inorganic chemistry. For example, carbon-based polymer can be used as a desiccant in organic chemistry. You'll see it in use in many processes that involve getting chemicals down to very low temperatures such as hydrolysis of organic chemicals.Because of their physical properties, these products must be handled with care. In organic chemistry, you will often find that these chemicals are being used in the reaction of vinyl chloride, ethylene oxide, and methyl chloride. This is because the reaction is strong enough to pull these desiccants out of solution. They will dissolve, but there is no way for them to evaporate.While it is true that some of these products are soluble, the majority are not. If they were, they would be easily dissolved by neutralizing acid in an organic chemical. Therefore, even if the material they are put on does not dissolve, the desiccant remains suspended in the substance.If you want to lea rn more about the techniques used in chemistry, you may want to consider taking a chemistry class that includes both organic and inorganic chemistry. By incorporating the information you learn from these classes into your own, you will be well on your way to becoming a better chemical engineer.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Worst Studying Environments for Pre-Business School Students

Best/Worst Studying Environments for Pre-Business School Students pexels.com Cons   While some background noise can be nice, coffee shops can also get to the point where they are somewhat distracting, especially if your business studying requires you to be reading a lot. Coffee shops often are playing music, and if the speakers are bumping, you might not be focusing as well as you’d like. There is also the chance that you will easily run into someone from school that wants to talk, leading you to have an unexpected time lapse of chatting it up instead of getting to work. Library: Pros   Whether at your campus library, your future business school’s library, or your local public library, libraries can provide excellent environments for you to get your studying done. They are quiet, sometimes offer free snacks, and are surrounded with other people who are also trying to get their work done, thus influencing you to be productive instead of slacking off. This can be a great place to go when you just cannot focus at home, and makes it easy to research and write papers since thousands of books are at your disposal. Libraries are also great if you don’t have your own computer or printer, since you can use their facilities to get all of your work accomplished. Cons Libraries are great because they are quiet, but this can also be the downfall to this environment. If you are in a room of almost complete silence for too long, you will start to go a little crazy and may not be as productive as you would hope. Libraries are great for short term sessions of intense focus, but if you try and draw them out too long, it will result in a crash and you will have to leave since you won’t be getting anything else done once you hit that point. In your apartment: Pros   Studying at home means you don’t have to make yourself presentable to the outside world. On rainy days, it can be nice to be snuggled up under your covers, in your pjs, studying for your upcoming exam. This is the prime location for when you feel self-motivated but don’t really want to go out anywhere. You’ll be saving money as well because when you need a food break, you can just go to your kitchen for a snack, whereas when you are studying outside, you have to then go buy something. Cons   While it’s nice to be comfy in your bed while you are studying, there is a point where you can get too comfy, where you end up napping instead of studying for your business class. Staying cooped up inside can also make you become bored with studying more easily, and it can be harder to resist the Netflix since it’s right there at your disposal, and no one is going to judge you for going on there besides your inner self. The problem with staying in is also the fact that your roommates might be loud and annoying, and unlike at a coffee shop or the library where you can just move seats, at your place you will be kind of stuck. These are just three of the many places for you to get your studying on. What I’ve noticed is that a variety of study environments can be helpful to keep yourself at your most productive potential. Have more ideas? Let us know in the comments below. Happy studying! Learn more about Kaplan’s test prep options and start building the confidence you need for Test Day.

Chapter 3 - Chemistry Matter and Change - Chloroplasts

Chapter 3 - Chemistry Matter and Change - ChloroplastsChapter three of Chemistry Matter and Change looks at the role of chloroplasts in this book. The relationship between chemistry and biology is something that we are all taught at school. Chemists learn that the building blocks of matter have chemical units that fit together in specific ways. While these units have a natural order, there is an inherent relationship that exists between them.Chloroplasts are examples of organic molecules that occur naturally in plants. They play a significant role in the biological system by providing the raw material that plants use to produce organic compounds that plants use to build tissues, bones, hair, and skin. For plants, chloroplasts play a role that is similar to that of cells within our bodies, providing the raw material necessary for a cellular function.As mentioned above, chloroplasts play a role similar to that of the mitochondria found in the cell nucleus. In fact, mitochondria play a similar role in our body, but they do not require chloroplasts to survive.Chloroplasts supply nutrients to the plant. Chloroplasts are located in the outer parts of the leaf where light is available to photosynthesis. The energy from sunlight provides the power needed to help the chloroplasts perform their normal role of carrying nutrients.Chloroplasts also play a role that we can think of as being somewhat analogous to that of a skeleton within the body. They provide mechanical support and aid in the circulation of nutrients through the leaves.As chloroplasts work on behalf of the chlorophyll molecules that they carry around the leaf, they take in minerals that are needed to facilitate the survival of the plant. By taking in food, the chloroplasts help makeup for the loss of certain minerals from the leaves that are not used to provide the needs of the plant.In this chapter, we've seen the relationship between chemistry and biology. Chloroplasts form the basis of a cell, both in pl ants and in our own bodies. We've also discussed the role of chloroplasts in a human body.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Pros and Cons of Immigrants Learning English

Pros and Cons of Immigrants Learning EnglishIn the recent years, there has been a lot of research conducted to evaluate the pros and cons of immigrants learning English in Canada. Immigrants to Canada have been given a chance to enhance their language skills and learn to speak English, which is not common for native Canadians. This has been good for Canada as a country because the immigrants make good citizens. Not only that, the immigrants themselves have benefitted from the English learning program.Immigrants, who study English here will have a good career here. They will get employed on the job, have a nice and prosperous future and can even be respected in the business world. They also have a better life because they are able to speak English better than the natives and thus, they are able to converse with natives better. They will be able to be accepted in the local culture as well. They are also more receptive to the newcomers, who can speak their native language.Immigrants to Canada have to complete an interview by the immigration department of Canada. The immigration officers will consider the applicant's race, income, education, employment history, age, health status, business background, etc., and will give you an estimate of whether or not you should be considered for the visa.It will be easier for immigrants to adjust to their new environment if they have a basic knowledge of the native language. This will help them to adapt easily to the society, where they will have to learn more about it. While natives learn how to say greetings, immigrants will have to learn new words to say and new words that will be unfamiliar to them. In other words, it is important to learn how to converse properly and know how to use the tools and facilities available.When you have successfully learned the language, the immigrants will be more cooperative and give more support when it comes to the social life of Canada. They will also be more productive because they will no t worry about spending their time in meetings and speeches because they have already learned the basics of the new language. There will be less chances of making mistakes and if there are, it will be to their advantage. After all, your accent, manners and physical gestures will still remain the same in English as in your native language.Immigrants are more likely to settle in the country because they will not face discrimination. It will not matter if you are black, white, American, British, Canadian, or European. You will feel comfortable and that is important to survive in a foreign country. The customs and rules of the country will not affect your immigration application.There are many benefits in being an immigrant to Canada. But, it is important to also remember that being immigrants does not mean that you do not belong in Canada will welcome you. The positive things that can come out of the immigration of immigrants are a great opportunity for everyone.

Privacy Policy - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Privacy Policy - Introvert Whisperer Privacy Policy At Introvert Whisperer, we take your privacy and the processing of your personal data very seriously. Therefore, we have prepared this Privacy Notice where we describe our contact details, information regarding what personal data we process and what rights you have towards us and how you may defend them. Always feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our processing of personal data or this Privacy Notice. Name of the company: Introvert Whisperer Country of operation: US E-mail address: dorothy@introvertwhisperer.com Phone number: 503 2601657 â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" What is personal data? “Personal data” is any information relating to an identifiable or identified person (you as a user). Personal data which we handle Your personal data may only be processed by us with your given consent, when it is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party, or when it is necessary for our compliance with a legal obligation. The processing of the personal data, the specific purposes for the processing, the legal basis for the processing, and for how long we store your personal data, is described below. Name We may process your name, in order to address you in emails and in communication. The processing is based on your consent and we will retain the data for as long as you are registered on our website, or until you withdraw your consent. Email Address Your email address may be processed by us for communication on updates, delivery of your ordered courses, tracking referrals, and for login purposes. The processing is based on your consent and retain the data for as long as you are registered on our website or until you unsubscribe from our mailing list, or until you withdraw your consent. When you have subscribed to our mailing list, your email address will be input into our email service provider MailChimp for use by us to email you information from Introvert Whisperer.  Your information will not be shared. Phone number You may opt to provide us with your phone number. The processing is always based on your consent and we will retain the data for as long as you are registered on our website or until you withdraw your consent. Payment details When you place an order for our services, you will be directed to the third-party payment service provider PayPal. No payment details are processed by us, but we refer to PayPal’s privacy policy for your management of your personal data kept with them. Event registration details We organize virtual events (webinars), and will therefore process your event registration details, such as date. Your event registration details will be kept securely with us for as long as you are registered on our website. Motivation/challenges When you seek to participate on our coaching programs, we may ask for and process details of your motivation and challenges. This processing is necessary for us to determine if you are fit for our coaching and training and how we best can serve you as a customer. The processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests for us and the data will be retained securely with us. Automatic deletion after your inactivity Regardless of the above, all personal data which we process regarding you will be automatically erased by us when you have not been active on our website for three years. The exception is personal data processed based on your consent, such as when you have subscribed to our newsletter. Third-party websites When using our site, you may be directed to third-party websites beyond our sphere of influence. We are not responsible for the content or the privacy policy on such other sites. â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" Summary of your rights towards us: You as a user have the possibility to claim several rights towards us. Such rights are listed here and thereafter described in detail below. You find our contact details at the top of this Privacy Notice. â€" Right to be forgotten â€" Right to withdraw consent â€" Right to access â€" Right to rectification â€" Right to restriction of processing â€" Right to data portability â€" Right to object â€" Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority Right to be forgotten You have the right to request that we delete any personal data that we process about you. We will delete the data as soon as possible, but at least within one month’s time. If the personal data is needed for fulfillment of our contractual duties towards you or to preserve it with legal ground, we will however not delete the information until the data is no longer needed. We will also, without your explicit demand, delete such personal data that we have collected but do not longer have a lawful right to process. We will inform you about this, if it would occur. Right to withdraw consent You have the right to withdraw your given consent at any time. If you do so, we will erase such personal data which is not subject to any other legal ground than your given consent. The erasure will be done as soon as possible. Please note that your withdrawal of consent does not oblige us to erase personal data which is processed based on a contractual relationship or any other legal ground. Right of access You have, at any time, the right to receive confirmation from us as to whether personal data concerning you are being processed. You have also the right to access that personal data and to receive the following information: a) The purposes of the processing b) The categories of personal data concerned c) The recipients or categories of recipients to whom personal data have been or will be disclosed d) The envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored or the criteria used to determine that period e) The existence of automated decision-making and profiling Right to rectification You have, at any time, the right to demand us to correct any inaccurate personal data within a month’s time. You have also the right to complete incomplete personal data, taking into account our purposes of the processing, by the means of providing a supplementary statement. Right to restriction of processing You have, instead of demanding us to delete any data, the right to demand us to restrict our processing of your personal data. This may be achieved if a) You have reason to believe that the accuracy of the personal data is not correct, and the restriction shall be in place during a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of the personal data b) The processing is unlawful but you don’t want us to delete the personal data c) We no longer need the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by you for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims d) You have objected to processing concerning profiling or automated decision-making, whereby a restriction shall be obtained during the period when we assess whether our legitimate ground for the processing override your legitimate ground. Data portability You have the right to retrieve the personal data which we process about you and that you have provided to us. You have also the right to demand that we transmit such personal data to another data controller if the personal data is collected based on your consent or if the processing of the personal data is carried out by automated means by us, if we deem it technically feasible. Right to object You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning you. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority You have, at any time, the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority regarding our processing of your personal data. Regardless of where we carry out our business, even if it would not be in the member state, which is your country of residence, you have the right to lodge your complaint to your national supervisory authority. â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" About this Privacy Notice With regard to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”), we must disclose what personal data we collect and process about you, and for what purposes. In this Privacy Notice, you find all such information that we are obliged to inform you.

Why online tutors have an edge over Absolute Value Calculator and 2 Step Equation Calculator

Why online tutors have an edge over Absolute Value Calculator and 2 Step Equation Calculator 0SHARESShare No doubt Absolute Value Calculator and 2 Step Equation Calculator works faster than the human brain as it provides you with the auto generated result. Still learning the different methods of mathematics and solving various equations makes one engaged like a play. Involve yourself into this enthusiastic play and fetch the help of online tutors to play and win. The Mathematics â€" Absolute Value and 2 Step Equations It is a mode of learning at a prior stage and slowly you will be inclined towards it. Brainstorming and practising it makes mind calculative and smarter. Finding the absolute values and Calculating 2 step equations creates a great zeal into learning. Students need to comprehend the method and get started. The Human Brain The human brain is the principal calculator. These calculators are basically a branch of enormous inventions primed by human brain. Thus solving the equations with accuracy and rapid speed is possible. This ultimately makes the human brain more sharp, crisp and competitive than before. Absolute Value Calculator and 2 Step Equation Calculator               The calculators provide with the auto-generated result. Hence no learning involved. Students set back in the area of expertise of mathematics. Online tutors Online tutors guide different methods and procedures to solve the mathematical equations. Learning the techniques involves students with a great zeal. Students start solving the equations in an accurate manner. Thus their brains become sharper and competitive through proper learning and brainstorming. Learning maths is no more troublesome. You just need to grab the guidance of online tutors. [starbox id=admin]

How to Choose Your First Semester of College Courses

How to Choose Your First Semester of College Courses As soon as you begin college, you will discover a new sense of freedom. For the first time, you can chooseyour classes as well as when you take them. However, this freedom can also negatively impact your graduation schedule if you do not choose wisely. Here are several tips to keep in mind as your freshman year approaches and you choose your first semester of college courses. Understand course restrictions Items like prerequisites are often clearly described in your course guide or on your registration website. You may also have a minimum and/or maximum number of credit hours you can enroll in. Note these restrictions as you plan your first semester of college courses. Here are some great tips you may find useful on how to prepare for college classes. Select an academic strategy Certain students prefer to immediately register for classes in their major, while others prefer to finish their general requirements first. Regardless of major, you must complete courses in subjects like economics, English, foreign language, history, math, and science. However, you may have flexibility in when you choose to do so. Consider first taking classes in your major With this strategy, you can quickly determine if you truly enjoy the subject. You are also free to begin meeting professors and students in your major, as well as to become involved in clubs and professional organizations immediately. This may help you earn internships and real-world experience more quickly. This is some great information on picking a major early in college. Or consider first completing your general requirements Certain students prefer to finish their general requirement courses as soon as possible. If you opt for this route, you will be eligible for most higher-level classes sooner. This can allow you to think about your major without wasting time taking courses you will not need (if you change your major). If you are 100% certain about your major, it may be best to enroll in those classes right away. You can then start working toward your first internship and job. But if you are still deciding, start with your general requirements, and join as many clubs as you can. With clubs, you can learn about different career paths without taking full courses. Understand class schedules Most general requirements are offered each semester or quarter. However, some higher-level classes are only available during certain semestersand only if you pass specific requirements first. It is very important to flag the courses you will need for your major and to have a general idea of when you will complete them. Many students do not graduate on time simply because they thought they could take their final class during the spring semester, only to realize that it is exclusively offered in the fall. Keep your evenings free It may be tempting to sleep late every day by schedulingyour first semester of college courses for the afternoons. However, some students prefer to keep their evenings free to join clubs and professional organizations. Clubs can be one of the most critical aspects of your college education, as you can explore real-world work and network with professionals in your field. It is very easy to become involved with clubs, and you may even meet new friends. These are are few popular campus jobs that can help you explore college majors. Work with your academic advisor Your advisor will be able to answer your questions and help you determine your curriculum each year. He or she may also be able to recommend professors, extracurricular activities, or even tutorsif you need extra academic assistance with a particular course.